
I'm new at this, so constructive criticism is appreciated. This is for all book nerds out there! Including myself!
For those who know me from dA or ArmorGames, please comment, so I know who you are!

Have fun!!

This site will not be held responsible for any smiles that may be cracked while reading these texts.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I respect the 10 rules of anime (as said by Uncle Yo):

1) Thou shall not judge a new anime based on its title. Look at Bleach…
2) Thou shall not judge an anime based on its opening theme.
3) Thou shall not judge based on its random misuse of English (because at least they’re trying).
4) Not by said anime’s opening theme song’s random misuse of English.
5) Thou shall not judge a new anime based on its first episode. It’s call the bait-and-switch people, be aware of it.
6) Thou shall not judge based on the fan girls.
7) Thou shall not steal new anime from the Internet….unless thou intends to share with thine anime club.
8) Thou shall accept that gravity is optional. Especially when dealing with hair.
9) Thou shall not say the manga was better unless thou hath read the manga.
10) Thou shall forgive thy parent’s for calling anime “cartoons,” and thus grouping Spike Spiegal and Light Yagami with Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny and SpongeBob Squarepants.

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How can you tell if you're a good writer

-If you talk to yourself
-If you talk to yourself about talking to yourself
-If, when you talk to yourself, you sometimes speak as if talking to another person(Have you noticed that the word 'deliver' might mean removing someone's liver?)
-If you live off of sugar and caffeine
-If people notice that you check you're e-mail every day for a week, then suddenly disappear of the face of the planet
-If your e-mails are pages long and extremely random
-If when replying to someone's e-mail, you're sometimes so random that you fail to address the original message altogether
-If the letters are starting to wear off on the keys of your keyboard
-If people think you might have A.D.D
-If you think it would be cool having A.D.D
-If you start constantly talking in third person, past tense
-If you think about making lists like this and start giggling for no apparent reason
-If your friends don't even bother to look funny at you anymore when you start giggling for no apparent reason
AND finally, the number one way to tell if you're a good writer: If you worship English 101